Vigilante Opourtime Tour 2014

Februar 11, 2014
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Neben den Gig´s mit Die Krupps ist Vigilante auch auf seiner VIGILANTE OPOURTIME TOUR 2014 unterwegs. Er Ivan sucht hierfür noch etwas Support ums richtig Knallen lassen zu können. Den soll er natürlich Bekommen.



Hello World, I’m Ivan from Vigilante I’m a musician, producer, DJ and activist.

(For more information please visit my website or download my EPK)

Since 2005 I have been making music and touring the world with talented musicians playing hard electronic music in an attempt to shake people’s conscience about the problems we face in our world.

Mixing elements of electronics music and metal I have been able to create a very powerful mix that allowed me to share the stage and collaborate with many of my favorite musical heroes like Nine Inch Nails, Public Enemy, Clawfinger, Ministry, Die Krupps and many more.

Last year I started work on my new album „Turning Point“ and I was very concerned about the government persecution of whistleblowers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden as well as hacktivists like Julian Assange and Jeremy Hammond.

That’s why I decided to donate the song „It’s Our Time“ to collect funds for the people from Anonymous in jail. (For more information please visit #opourtime)

I also donated another version of this song to the compilation Defcon 21 (Buy it here!) to collect funds for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, one of the few organizations that protects internet freedom around the world. (For more information please visit

I’m launching this crowdfunding campaign to take my action to the next level and start a new tour with Vigilante to promote my last single „It’s Our time“ and at the same time spread awareness about this issue.

I hope you will help me with this cause.

All money collected will pay for travel, accommodations and the creation of material to inform the public about these heroes.

Music can be more that just entertainment, Music can change the world!

What better place than here, what better time than now?

„Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.“ (Margaret Mead)

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